50th Anniversary of The Texas Wheelers

The Texas Wheelers, a short-lived ABC sitcom cancelled after just four episodes, celebrates its 50th anniversary today. It debuted on Friday, September 13th, 1974. Less than a month later, ABC cancelled the show, leaving nine episodes unaired. However, the network revived The Texas Wheelers during the summer repeat season, but only aired four of the unaired episodes.

Jack Elam starred as Zack Wheeler, a lazy borderline alcoholic who abandoned his family when his wife died. With no parents, the oldest son, Truckie (Gary Busey), was left to look after his younger siblings. Mark Hamill, Karen Oberdiear, and Tony Becker played the other children. In the series premiere, Zack suddenly returned and inserted himself into the family he left behind.

Check out my Spotlight about The Texas Wheelers to learn more about this forgotten sitcom. I’ve also reviewed an episode from July 1975 for my Retro Review column.

If you watched The Texas Wheelers during its brief run in 1974 or during the summer of 1975, hit the comments with your recollections.

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One Reply to “50th Anniversary of The Texas Wheelers”

  1. good points made.. that is………. for comparative stats for friday nites that year..—1974. and 1975… who sponged off the time slots linking KOLCHAK…………It was more as the focus of attention.? —-BACK TO THE FUTURE?? its worth noting that BOB GALE got his very first teleplay writing.experiences with KOLCHAK– He was based in U city Missouri where i was
    going to school that year! … Speilberg picked gale up to join Bob ZEMEKIS the next year for Back to the future// the rest is history..Noted tv background music musician ALAN SILVESTRI then scored the music.. The fact that Alan went to MY high school here in teaneck is no coincedence……anyway — its time for the spread sheets to check the teleplay credits//and direct for the wheelers—

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